Pain in the lumbar spine of the back is a very widespread phenomenon. Paleontologists and biologists believe that this is a consequence of such evolutionary acquisition, such as two-legged.
The main reasons
There are two groups of causes leading to the emergence of pain in the lumbar area.
Diseases of the spine and the internal organs
Pain diseases can occur as a result of congenital or acquired.
Thus, the birth of any damages, in particular:
- changes and columns of the spine;
- the irregular shape of the transverse processes of the vertebrae, the shortening or lengthening.
Spina vertebrae: 1,2 rear, 3,4-lateral, 5-7-front
These problems can be completely asymptomatic or acute pain accompanied, if you have certain types of slopes, difficulty of movement, problems with urination, mental under-development.
Causes for back pain and the neurological:
- Tension of the nerves in the spine (characterized to be such a pain as strong and flash);
- lumbar osteochondrosis, which is developed in consequence of a fit and sedentary way of life, and drawing pains caused by overexertion of the muscles;
- Sciatica, characterized by atrophic changes of the sciatic nerve (mostly pain at this disease goes to the back of the part, occurs violently and suddenly).
- multiple sclerosis (a chronic auto-immune disease attacks the sheath of the nerve fibers of the spinal cord and the brain, provoked pain of different localization, severity, and difficult to cure).
In addition, severe pain can also lead to this:
- degenerative sacroiliitis — a serious illness, a purulent inflammatory process at the surface of the sacroiliac joint;
- Osteoporosis, the cause is a lack of Calcium in the body or violation of his exchange (in the initial phase of the disease is characterized by chronic pain, cramps, change in the posture).
A different kind of pain in the lumbar spine — pain, the the reflected.
They serve the characteristic Symptom of a number of diseases of various organs and systems:
- Urogenital infections (chlamydia, ureaplazmoza);
- Instability, intestinal diseases and tumour diseases of the digestive tract;
- Hemorrhoids, the of the seated activity;
- Tumors and polyps in the uterus;
- Complications to colds (sore throat, influenza, SARS);
- Radiculitis (provoke lumbar pain radiating into the leg).
In some cases, the cause can be:
- physiological changes (pregnancy, childbirth, Menstruation);
- excessive physical exercise (in particular strength training);
- sharp increase in weight;
- Epidural anesthesia.
What diseases and conditions the loin hurts?
Causes of pain in men

Back pain in men can have different etiology and are characterized by their peculiarities.
Age and hormonal changes have little effect on the male spine, however, often problems with the prostate cause characteristic deep weak pain.
The main reasons for the pain in the lumbar spine in men are:
Muscle strain
Often, people are not on the nature of their work, physical labor, have weak back muscles, especially latissimus dorsi.
The ability to produce properly distribute the physical activity required.
When lifting, inexperienced person all of the weight on the lower back carries and not on the biceps, triceps, or the muscles of the thoracic. The result is a strain of the latissimus Dorsi.
When stretching is pain, so, hot compresses, soothing ointments.
It can be noticeable when you stand for long, and you go in a supine position.
The cause of the break can be considered a serious violation and it's a violation.
In the case of change of the Position of the intervertebral disc, fracture of the spine, the lumbar spine, a bad step or loss of balance can cause even.
A Symptom of a fracture is acute pain in the lower lumbar spine or in the area of the steißbeines.
Sometimes the pain may be aggravated move on to the upper or lower extremities, if the Position of the body.
Metastases, tumours of the sexual organs
Pain from metastases of bone tissue of the spine turns to be the strongest, sometimes in the unertr aligned.
The visit to the oncologist can not be delayed, if the loin hurts, and the testicles or the Penis.
Such a pain, perhaps, only to return acting drugs strong, the process of necrotic changes in the tissue it will stop, probably not.
Diseases of the kidneys
About a third of the male patient with pain in the lower back area suffers from problems with the kidneys.
Pain in the kidneys increases during the movements, and a long stay in an upright Position. In rest the pain subsides.
If you are long, the pain may gradually grow.
This happens due to the fact that the liquid rushes to the kidneys and creates excess pressure on the spine.
Alcohol may also be increased pain in the lower back.
This disease causes back pain on the right and rear. Sometimes Pain Groin Area.
Other symptoms of Prostatitis include a burning sensation when urinating, erection problems.
The main reason of the disease is Stagnation of the blood in the capillaries, or a bacterial infection.
Causes of pain in women

The female body is constantly prone to hormonal changes and shocks.
Certain types of pain in the body of a woman occur, in the standard, and is not a worrying Signal.
Pain sensations associated with the menstrual cycle
Pain in different periods of the menstrual cycle, not necessarily witnesses of a certain pathology:
- The monthly increase in size of the uterus, pressure on back muscles, causing unpleasant sensations;
- If the pain type occur before the menstrual period for 7-8 days and in the abdomen, then it is the need for a Revision of the diet. Better to include in the diet more foods rich in fiber and fruit acids.
- Pain in the middle of the cycle can in connection with the release of an egg from the ovary;
- After months of pain show, about problems in the work of the reproductive system, in this case, a visit to a specialist is necessary.
Pain through the pregnancy
In the first few weeks, if the woman still does not know their place, they may cause pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. Such pain after the character resemble and premenstrual often identical with them, according to the deadlines.
The delay of Menstruation may speak in this case about the pregnancy or infectious process.
Sometimes light bleeding that you in connection with the introduction of the ovum in the wall of the uterus.
If sore belly and the loins -, month-and no, the first, what you need to do is a pregnancy test.
Often, this pain can be woman to accompany for a few months, in such cases, the doctor suggests the intake of medications with Magnesium.
During pregnancy, particularly in the last stages, most women experience pain below or above the waist.
This is due to the fact that the growing belly exerts a great strain on the back muscles.
If the pain is constant and in connection with the active work that the expectant mother is in need of support Bandage which distributes the load between different groups of muscles.
If your back hurts during sleep and in the morning, probably a woman sleeps in an uncomfortable Position.
Can help special pillow for sleep that support the body and prevent the tension of the muscles. Back pain need to pass in the night.
To the end of the pain is concentrated right in the lower back or to the left: it shows the Position of the fetus and the curvature of the posture.
The pain can happen in a pregnant woman, if she's not completely over the elbow-makers.
After Abortions
Women who have decided to make their pregnancy to interrupt or make it for medical reasons, almost 100% of cases complain of pain after the abortion.
Causes of pain:
- Inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus (Endometritis);
- Voltage Condition In Women;
- the contraction of the uterus after the abortion.
This pain can walk or concentrate in the lower lumbar spine.
Pain associated with the birth
After the birth women experience pain often in the back. Sometimes the pain is localized, where the coccyx or sacrum. It is associated with injury and strains during the birth.
Warn can be a pain, the special gymnastics during the pregnancy or during a visit to the Pool.
Nursing mothers can also perform a number of exercises, with particular attention to their posture.
If the pain is due to the rise of the temperature up to 37 degrees and above, the woman is violently hot, to have a consultation.
Maybe it is the infectious process.
Pain, caused by diseases of the female reproductive organs
To the typical female complaints, Symptom of pain in the lower back include:
Is an inflammation of the urinary bladder, the to a greater extent women. Cystitis is easily treated and diagnosed.
The analyses of the urine for the presence of this disease, if you let the water burn perceived, pulls the lower back when bending over, increased body temperature.
Infectious processes in the vagina
A number of inflammation in women causes pain in the abdominal location.
It may be, Candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, or a viral disease.
Such pain can also failure is a Symptom of kidney.
Inflammation of the appendages
If a woman burning pain in the lower back and the ovaries, the water temperature, about 38 degrees has risen, required ultrasound-diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a specialist (course self-injection or taking oral medications).
Pain in connection with diseases of the internal organs
Diseases of the intestine or stomach pain provoke in the spine.
Sometimes, pain in these diseases can strongly radiate — enter enter into the leg or in the abdomen.
A similar clinical picture is the fact that the brain interprets incorrectly is a Signal that the him organs.
If pain in the lower back and the right side is on, it indicates problems with the liver or the pancreas.Pain from the left side testifies of appendicitis or intestinal colic.
In the left-hand side occur during running or other physical exercises can pain. It is fast and poses no risk to health.
In the area of the steißbeines the tingling sensation and drawing pain in the end.
What can I do?
The use of ointments
To improve this type of medication is very effective when needed home health.

The ointment helps against inflammation, sprain, an effect of preheating, when a cold loins.
There are the following groups of ointments:
- anti-inflammatory analgesics (medicines, cooling effect, relieves irritations, Menthol, lavender, and pain relievers);
- combination drugs (used for sprains and injuries, together with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect have a renewing effect on the cost of their constituent Heparin, dimethylsulfoxide);
- Drugs irritating (the effect is based on the expansion of blood vessels and the blood circulation at the source of the pain);
- chondroprotectors (one of the active ingredients of these drugs is chondroitin sulfate, which in the case of pathological processes in the cartilage tissue, to the active restoration of cartilage surfaces of joints).
The action that takes place with the help of injections, similar to the reception of the corresponding ointments or oral medications.
Special features of this type of therapy are:
- Speed. Rapid removal of severe pain is only due to the penetration of the drugs into the bloodstream or the muscle.
- The Performance. The injections allow the active component to deliver precisely to the target. The active substance is not destroyed in the gastro-intestinal tract.
- The need to have a technician on-site. Do you do the injections yourself is difficult, therefore, to you, or the daily visit to the polyclinic or Nurse Call to the house.
- Use only after medical. Treatment of discomfort and severe pain with the help of injections can only advise the doctor and assign the required medication. Most of them can acquire only on prescription.
This method of relief from pain belongs rather to the means of traditional medicine.
The preheating is a good help, if the pain is of the following nature — sprains, hernias, deviated, osteochondrosis.
In such cases, it is recommended to make up to 10 treatments per day.
In the case of infectious process of heating blood flow causes the affected body tissue and the pain intensified.

Massage helps in the removal of pain of the lumbar spine.
It can, to skilled workers spend in the clinic or at home, in any case, the use of it, is of inestimable value.
Among the positive therapeutic effects of the Massage are the following:
- Improvement of the blood supply to the diseased part of the body;
- kneading muscles, what makes you and bundles more flexible and elastic;
- the repeal of the acute pain;
- the liberation of the accumulated in the muscles and the toxins under the skin;
- pleasant sensations through the Stimulation of the nerve endings of the skin;
- positive emotions.
Well, if the Massage is combined with the adoption of the Sauna.
Particularly, useful the steam broom of birch or oak, it stimulates all the vital processes, and increases the General tone of the body.